A journey of self-discovery and matters of the soul.
- Dear Future MeA letter to the future me. This is to document a younger self so I can look back and see what has, and hasn’t changed in my view of the world and life itself. A little time capsule.
- How to Think For Yourself in an Age of Disinformation and Half TruthsThere are so many demands on our attention, and it’s slowly driving us crazy. Rather than trying to stay in the know, the question then becomes, where do I place my attention?
- Am I Turning Into Just Like My ParentsParents tend to drive us crazy, but they want the best for us. Though the thing is, they’re a product of their own lived experiences. They have their own baggage. Their own traumas. And they are still figuring out their own lives too.
- Progress Report 3The last 2 years have been a series of challenges from entering a new profession, combined with a quick exit to embarking on a sabbatical as I reassess my life, goals, and what I value most.
- Treat Your Mind Like a TempleWe live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, yet we have some of the highest rates of suicide, depression, obesity, and anxiety ridden citizens in the world. Let’s start by treating our mind like a temple.
- Living At Your Edge, Life Begins On the Other Side of FearThe edge is where you’re face to face with your deepest, darkest insecurities, latent desires, and unfulfilled dreams. The edge is where life begins.
- Why Inner Peace is the AnswerThe stillness that comes with inner peace is a feeling like no other. The salve to our souls. A pristine oasis in the middle of the desert. It has the power to heal and save like no other.
- Why Is Adulting So Hard, What They Failed to Teach UsBeing an adult doesn’t come with rule books or a Frequently Asked Questions section. You’re just expected to know what to do. Navigating relationships, career, and all the hundreds of things needed to function as an adult is tiring. Let’s talk about it.
- What Are Life Defining Moments and How to Deal With ThemLife defining moments are based on decisions. Our decisions at pivotal moments in our lives have the potential to become the genesis of our “hero story”. How will you choose?
- Life Lessons I Learned While Traveling All Over Colombia, Story TimeWhat started as a vacation, turned into a 2 year exploration of the country of Colombia. Colombia is a place of natural wonders, friendly people, and rich culture, but it’s the life lessons I learned along the way that made it so memorable.
- The Road Not Taken, What IfWhat if, two powerful words that can have us reeling at the implications of our past decisions, and the endless possibilities of the road not taken. What can we learn from the past and what it can do for our futures?
- The Unknown Unknowns, What I Wish I KnewWhat are the unknown unknowns that can have an outsized effect on our lives and how do we seek them out?