Living At Your Edge, Life Begins On the Other Side of Fear
By Warren Wong
Living at your edge is like dancing on fire. With flames all around us, we feel its warmth, its glow on our skin, and the palpitating fear of being burned. Yet, we feel most alive. The edge is where you’re face to face with your deepest, darkest insecurities, latent desires, and unfulfilled dreams. The edge is where life begins.
Years ago, a wise man explained to me in an eloquent and matter of fact way that by not living at my edge, I robbed myself and the world of my gifts. Gifts unique to me, which only I had the ability to realize. Yet, I chose comfort and security instead. Deep down, I knew he was right. And that terrified me.
On the Other Side of Fear
On the other side of fear is where life begins. It’s a place of authenticity, self-awareness, and purpose.
If we’re being honest, it feels easier to lie to ourselves. At least we wouldn’t have to admit our shortcomings or that we’re deathly afraid. We crave security and comfort instead of taking a leap of faith to pursue our dreams.
And so we find ourselves in jobs we tolerate, but don’t love. Mediocre relationships built on half truths, but never the bitter medicine we need. We justify our meager existence with “some day”, so we can sleep easier at night.
Everyone from our parents, friends, and society placate us and excuse us from living and striving for our true potential.
Who could blame us? A life of comfort and safety sounds divine. Opposed to a life of struggle it sure sounds like an easy choice. Yet, we would rob ourselves and the world of our gift. To struggle is to be human. To struggle is divine.
Born of Struggle
I’m reminded of an undiscovered writer locked in a cabin tucked away in a secluded forest in the countryside. He’s struggling to bring his ideas to life. Finding the best words to paint a moving picture in the mind of readers is no simple task. On more than one occasion his mind draws blank and he questions his abilities, and considers a more suitable career.
In President Theodore Roosevelt’s speech, “Citizen in a Republic”, he highlights that the man in the arena deserves all the praise. He is the one with his face marred with sweat, blood, and tears. He is the one who, despite winning or coming up empty handed, deserves the admiration of the crowd.
Living at the edge requires us to confront our own mortality. That our time on this Earth is limited and what we choose to do with that time means choosing one path and closing others. It’s both freeing and intimidating because if we try and fail, then what does that say about us? The feelings that come with failure are the reasons why so many of us would rather not try. It’s far easier to distract and numb ourselves rather than have to think about it.
This post serves as a reminder to myself and those who also feel like they haven’t made their mark. That they have more to offer this world with the small amount of time they have on this planet.
The one life we are blessed to have shouldn’t be bubble wrapped and stamped “handle with care”. Go forth and try, struggle, and fail. Along the way as the layers of your old self sheds, you will find you are more capable than you realize. Go live at the edge. That is where life begins.