7 Things You Can Do Today To Take Control of Your Life

9 minute read · By Warren Wong

Sometimes it feels like we have no control over our lives. Whether it’s your boss telling you what to do or your parents telling you what you should do, there’s not much that we actually get to decide.

If you feel like you are surrounded by chaos and your attention is being pulled in all different directions then this is for you.

loss of control graffiti

It wasn’t long ago that I felt the same way you did. Even now, I feel that I am getting pulled in many directions. But the way I handle it is different.

Today I’m going to give you 7 ways to take control of your life. 

They are: 

  1. Say no more
  2. Stop letting other people’s expectations dictate your happiness
  3. Get financially educated 
  4. Do things that scare you
  5. Start a side hustle
  6. Reinvent yourself
  7. Stop making excuses

Each one of these methods helped me little by little take control of my life. And little by little I get to dictate how I want to live.

1. Say No more

Stop saying yes to everything. Seriously, it’s filling your schedule with unnecessary appointments and meetings that bring you no value, and drain your energy.

Obviously you will need a little tact in order to do this, but once you do, you will truly start taking back control of your life.

When choosing to say yes or no we are talking about more than just work. It includes saying no to toxic friends, and people that bring you down rather than raise you up. 

Saying no involves having a tough conversation with your loved ones about boundaries. It’s being unapologetically you.

Which leads to number 2.

2. Stop letting other people’s expectations dictate your happiness

The reason why you have a hard time being unapologetically you, is because you are worried what others will say. You worry that they will judge you, say nasty things behind your back. 

And truthfully, they will. But, what’s the other option? Stay frozen with fear and never live your life?

You can be so much more. Much, much more. I know you can. And I am absolutely with you when you feel scared, because I am too. 

Everything that you feel when you go against what is the “safe” option, you will feel that bottomless pit of fear. 

But, I also know that if other people’s expectations dictate whether you can be happy or not, then you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment.

The guy who is so worried about what his parents think of him, will choose to be an accountant or lawyer over being a graphic designer which he loves doing, in order to satisfy their expectations. Even, when he hates it. 

Nothing against accountants and lawyers, it’s just that I know many who don’t exactly love their job.

Related post: Why You Shouldn’t Care What Your Parent’s Think

The gal who decides to give up a chance to be a professional makeup artist will end up in a corporate job that she feels like cog in a big machine.

However, there are thousands of people who are doing what they love. There are professional makeup artists and graphic designers who make six figures. Doing what they love, every single day.

Cut the crap, and take control of your life. You deserve it. 

3. Get financially educated

Money is a tool. When you have a heap of bills waiting to be paid, it can drive you crazy. In order to stay on top of your finances and many other problems, you will want to be financially educated.

You don’t need to know how to read financial statements, but you really should understand the basics of a budget, investing, and a ROTH IRA.

If you don’t know what any of those involve. I highly suggest you search them up on Investopedia

So why does being financially educated help you take control of your life?

Imagine what happens when you realize that you don’t have an emergency fund after a terrible downturn in the economy, due to a health crisis. 

Or you notice how your family never goes on vacations, and how the Anderson’s, the family friend that seems to be on vacations multiple times a year.

While we get older you will start noticing a disparity between those that have and that don’t. And many times it boils down to the choices we make everyday. 

You can retire before 65. Money doesn’t always come. You can be wealthy.

Check out this related post: Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

It’s time you get financially educated. If you are an absolute beginner, then I recommend reading, Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Richest Man in Babylon

4. Do Things That Scare you

Everything that you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. (Click to Tweet)

I’ll leave it at that. Think about it. 

Start doing things that make your palms sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy…

5. Start a side hustle

What do you love doing? What can you do for hours and not get tired? 

Don’t let that go to waste. Put it out there for the world to see. 

With the creation of social media, there are thousands of ways to get noticed.

Worst case scenario, no one cares. Best case scenario, your side hustle gets traction, you get a few sponsors, or your work goes viral.

If you’re not working on a side hustle, you’re missing out. 

I wish I started writing and putting my work out there years ago. But, I was too afraid. I thought of what others would think, if it would even be read, and thousands of other what-ifs that ran through my head. 

Guess what? Almost none of them came to light and some did. And I’m still fine. But, what I gained was far more valuable than if I never started.

I gained a sense of fulfillment, because if I didn’t do what I love, which is to write, then that little birdy that wants to be let out of the cage, will die inside of me. And, that, would be a tragedy. (Click to Tweet)

If you’re going thinking about starting a side hustle. I highly recommend Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crushing It, to get you on the right track with becoming a successful entrepreneur, and influencer.

6. Reinvent yourself

How do you wish to be seen? Who would you like to become?

Would you like to be a beanie, wearing hipster, who’s too cool for school or a high powered corporate professional in a clean cut Hugo Boss suit? 

Do it.

Why do we assume that we can’t change who we are? As if it is reserved for children playing dress up. 

In short, every single person that you wish you could become, went through a transformation.

If you want to start feeling like a corporate hot shot, then start snazzing up your wardrobe. Go take a few sales, and finance classes while you’re at it. 

You can truly take control of your life, by reinventing who you are today.

If you’re not happy with something, change it. If you’re unsatisfied with this brand of toothpaste you’ve been using, get rid of it. 

Stop waiting for things to change. It just doesn’t happen that way. You have to actively change it, mold it to your desires. 

For the most part you will feel like an imposter, but so did anyone else that went through a transformation. 

When I first received a salute from a Marine, after I commissioned as a U.S. Marine Officer. I felt like an imposter, but I doubled down and learned to be a better officer. 

I grew into the role because I didn’t wait around. 

And that’s how it should be and always will be. 

Go, and reinvent yourself. 

Additionally, if you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your career or personal life, then I recommend Dorie Clark’s, Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future.

I got this book as a gift during my own transition from the Marine Corps. It gave me practical advice to figuring out what makes me tick and how important that is in finding what you’re passionate about, which in turn will lead to a satisfying career.

This next one is going to hurt. But, it needs to be said.

7. Stop Making Excuses

If you truly, truly – and I’m going to use it a third time – truly want to take control of your life, you need to stop making excuses. 

I don’t have time. I don’t “feel” like it right now. You see, I have this meeting tomorrow….

Remove them from your vocabulary. What you should be saying is, sorry, that is not a priority for me.

Read that again. Sorry, that is not a priority for me. 

Sorry, my health is not a priority for me. Sorry, our friendship is not a priority for me. 

These are the little lies we need to stop telling ourselves. This concept has been around for ages.

When we come to be truthful to ourselves, and cut the B.S. you can radically transform your life in a year. Guaranteed.

However, 95% of you won’t do it. 

When I first called out my own B.S. I felt uncomfortable. It’s not easy calling yourself lazy, or being a little scaredy cat.

By the way, nothing that is worthwhile in life is going to be comfortable. 

Your wedding is not going to be comfortable. The birth of your child is not going to be comfortable. Heck, learning how to drive the first time isn’t going to be comfortable.

But, was it worth it? I think we both know the answer.

Look, I get it. Making excuses is an easy way out. It removes all the responsibility and accountability from our daily actions. 

But, it’s not going to get us any closer to who we want to be. And we can be a whole lot more. 


Look I’m not going to B.S. you. Is it going to be easy? No, definitely not. If it were people wouldn’t have to resort to alcohol, sex, and drugs, for an escape. 

But, if you are one of the few that reads this and want to take control of your life, then this is for you. 

To summarize, these are the 7 things that you can do today to take control of your life:

  1. Say no more
  2. Stop letting other people’s expectations dictate your happiness
  3. Get financially educated 
  4. Do things that scare you
  5. Start a side hustle
  6. Reinvent yourself
  7. Stop making excuses

Even if you do just a few of these things on the list, you can see a transformation within a year. 

Personally, my story started back in 2014. It was when I decided to do something that scared me, which was traveling solo to an unknown country.

It propelled me to reinvent myself, stop making excuses, and stop letting other people dictate MY happiness.

Was it an overnight success? Nope. I’m still working on it, but I am a lot closer than if I never started.

Lastly, if you made it this far, and serious about your success, then sign up for my 3 Point Thursday Newsletter where I send out 3 things:

  1. A quote I’m pondering
  2. An idea from me
  3. And a question for you

And the latest articles that are focused on building the right mindset, good habits, and finding your purpose. 

This journey is not going to be easy, but it’ll be easier if we do it together. Join me.

Question for you

Do you feel like you’re in control of your life? If not, what are you going to do about it?

7 Things You Can Do Today to Take Control Of Your Life
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