Dear Future Me
By Warren Wong
Dear future me,
I hope you are doing well. At the time of this writing I am 31 years old. I’m experiencing life so fast it seems like the years are flying by. I hope I never begin to lose this lust for life. To live it fully, and to be present.
I made it a point to travel the world. Life from the slums of Brazil, the Salaryman in Japan, land of smiles in Thailand, to the mean streets of Paris. What is life, if not one of discovery? Each destination I learn something about myself and my place in the world. It’s beautiful.
Are you in pain? I can only imagine the aches and pains my body will go through. Mornings will be an adventure. And nights, welcomed with open arms. I wonder if I will still have the vigor to travel and discover the world or will I be slowed by old age and wobbly knees.
Are you still doing things that scare you? Things that give your heart a skip? I can’t imagine life without a healthy dose of fear. A reminder that you’re still alive.
Some things I’ve learned so far in my 31 years:
- Relationships take effort
- My parents are getting old
- Be open to new ideas
- Eat a lot of veggies
- Money is just a tool, happiness is earned
- There’s no light with dark, happiness without sadness
- Love is messy
Did I miss some? These were top of mind. But, I’m sure I’ll discover more on my journey to older you. I hope I remember these tomorrow.
One idea that I’ve recently been thinking a lot about are memory dividends. I guess when one is old and physically limited, one can rely on past memories. Memories of accomplishment, time with family and friends, unrequited love, and adventures of old. Revisiting those on a rocking chair doesn’t seem so bad. I kind of look forward to it.
I wonder what the next few decades will hold. Technology is top of mind for me. The last 30 years have been an incredible time to be alive. We got to witness the expansion of the internet, video calls across the globe, robotic surgery, and electric vehicles.
My boyish imagination can’t handle the shock and awe of the next 30 years. Perhaps flying cars will be the norm. Machines are more integrated into our lives in all ways. New ways of growing food and producing energy. Maybe we can find a cure for cancer, solve world hunger, and increase quality of life for the elderly. I’m optimistic.
Perhaps the biggest thing that keeps me up at night is how my life will turn out. In the grand scheme, it seems like life is a rollercoaster. With no direction. Of course you know how my life will turn out, you’ve lived it. I wonder if these seemingly disconnected dots will somehow align later in life.
Don’t we all want a quick glimpse into our futures? Perhaps it’s better to wait. To let it unfold moment by moment. To embrace uncertainty and mystery. I would like to think that it all comes together perfectly wrapped with a bow on top. Somehow I know I would be lying to myself.