The Bucket List

The idea of a bucket list has always left a distaste in my mouth. The term “kick the bucket”, meaning “to die” plus the word list, makes a bucket list a list of things to do before you die

Personally, I think it should be a life list, something that you do when you’re young, not when you’re old, retired, and about to kick the bucket. 

So in an attempt to write my bucket list, I decided that I would also share it with you all, in hopes to inspire you all to take the time and write your own. 

The value in thinking about your bucket list serves two purposes, remember that one day you will “kick the bucket” and that there’s no time like the present.

Without further ado, this is my personal bucket list in no particular order. Feel free to write your own, share, and take ideas from it. 

I will try to keep this updated as regularly as possible.

(Last Updated: 6/29/2020)

  1. Get a tattoo (Completed 2017)
  2. Go skydiving
  3. Become an inspirational speaker
  4. Ride an elephant (Completed 2017)
  5. Travel to all 7 continents
  6. Serve in the military (Completed 2016)
  7. See the Aurora Borealis
  8. Start my own business helping others
  9. Be in a movie
  10. Bathe in natural hot springs (Completed 2019)
  11. Write a book
  12. Climb a volcano
  13. Try psychedelics
  14. Go on an African Safari
  15. Travel to Antarctica
  16. Travel to Space
  17. Be a real estate investor
  18. Have my own website (Completed 2019)
  19. Nyotaimori
  20. Own a fast car
  21. Live on a ranch
  22. Attend a music festival (Completed 2018)
  23. Become a great cook
  24. Extended solo travel (Completed 2014)
  25. Be a father
  26. Climb the Great Wall of China (Completed 2004)
  27. Buy my parents a house
  28. Have my own home office (Completed 2020)
  29. Fly in a jet
  30. Ride a hot air balloon (Completed 2018)
  31. Meet the president
  32. Go on a blind date
  33. Live on a deserted tropical island
  34. Visit the Famous Easter Island heads
  35. Roadtrip across America (Completed 2020)
  36. Retire by 45
  37. Go to a Drive-in Movie
  38. Go to Comicon
  39. See the Olympics
  40. Watch the FIFA World Cup
  41. See an opera (Completed 2019)
  42. Be a self-made millionaire
  43. Have over 800 FICO Credit score (Completed 2020)
  44. Stay at 5 Star Luxury Hotel
  45. Live in an Igloo
  46. Sleep under the stars in Africa
  47. Eat in a 3 Star Michelin restaurant
  48. Invent something
  49. Run a marathon
  50. Throw a grenade (Completed 2016)
  51. Snorkeling off an island (Completed 2018)
  52. Drive a tank
  53. Fly first class
  54. Sleep in a treehouse
  55. Tour Auschwitz
  56. Lie down in the middle of the road (Completed 2020)
  57. Visit Siberia
  58. Sled dog racing with Huskies
  59. Attend Burning Man
  60. Mardi Gras (Completed 2017)
  61. Oktoberfest
  62. Charter a boat and sail out into the sea
  63. Throw a party in a penthouse suite overlooking the ocean
  64. Go on a cruise across the world

It’s valuable to share your list with as many people as possible. It’s different when you have people to hold you accountable.

Plus, you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals by writing them down. 

This is also a great way to keep track of when you complete items on your bucket list. It will definitely be part of my annual review where I go over 3 things: what went well, what didn’t go so well and what did I learned in the past year.

As part of the personal growth journey, it would be cool to see all the progress you can make in 1, 5, 10 years down the road.

I also found a ton of ideas from the Bucket List Journey blog where she has a list of 1000+ ideas. You can find it here.